Saturday 21 November 2015

Silhouette Mint Ink - inking & stamping!

Hello Friends,

I've spent another few more pleasurable hours messing about with my new Silhouette Mint.

I thought I'd share some pictures and some thoughts with you about what I'm learning.

This first picture shows my Silhouette Mint in action, it is actually making a stamp of an Aardvark!   Why an Aardvark, you might ask?  I guessed that if I wanted to test this little machine properly, I might as well make a stamp of something that isn't readily available.  In fact there isn't even a downloadable one in the Silhouette store!

I created the stamp in the Silhouette Mint software, using a royalty free design from the internet.

After making the stamp with the Aardvark on it and the worlds "for you", I started the inking process.  When I saw this part being shown on Hochanda, with different colours, I noticed that the colours next to each other had a tendency to bleed into one another, so I decided to ink very very carefully.  I had plenty of time, unlike the demonstrators on the T.V.

I chose to ink the words in purple and the Aardvark in black.  I gave the inks plenty of time to soak in.  Again I guessed the more time I gave them to soak into the stamp, the less likely they were to bleed into each other. 
 The first time I stamped (pic below), I stamped it very gently, hardly touching the card, again to try and stop the colours from wondering.

This picture below shows how many times it took me to stamp the stamp before I decided the image was good enough for the stamp label and then my project.  The stamp label is the image on the yellow backing sheet.  It was the 10th image and it was perfect!  

I went on, with confidence to stamp my project.......and whoops!  My project was the 11th time it had been stamped, but this time it was stamped onto very smooth card.  If you look closely you can see the messy image!

I decided a clean up was required, if I were going to want to use this stamp on smooth card.  I took one of my little alcohol cleaning swabs, wrapped it around a cocktail stick and set to work.

This cleaning process seemed to work really well and didn't seem to spoil or damage the stamp.

You can see how well it worked in the picture below.  Look closely at number 12, absolutely perfect :)!

With time running out, I decided to go back to the rougher card stock, to be on the safe side, for this little tag!

I hope you find my experience helpful, I'm off to see what else I can stamp an Aardvark on!

Happy crafting with your Silhouette machines and thanks for stopping by.

Carole x

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